Marguerite Vignes Walp was the daughter of John Louis Vignes and Mary Kent, who moved into the Los Cerritos neighborhood in 1910. Marguerite married Bertine James Walp who built a home for his new wife at 3808 Cota (now Cedar) Street. My book Long Beach’s Los Cerritos has more information on the Vignes family in Los Cerritos but I was unable to include in the book examples of the art work of Marguerite who often used the homes of Los Cerritos as her subject matter. Marguerite Vignes graduated from the University of Southern California College of Fine Arts in June 1911. She taught art and made greeting cards. Her work was exhibited in Long Beach and Los Angeles. When her husband Bert Walp died in 1933, she became the Director of Arts and Audio Visuals for the Long Beach School District. I have walked around the neighborhood trying to match Marguerite’s watercolors to the homes, hoping I could match the home and the painting. If anyone knows which house this is, let me know.
We think it’s on Country Club Drive, on the north side near Mesa.
Country Club about 3 houses south of Stewart; even numbered side of the street (east side).
Hi- I do not know which house this is. As for 3808 Cota. It actually turned into Cedar and not Chestnut…fyi
Looks familiar. . . .
Very interesting, looks like homes along 1st street in Long Beach (same venice) .