Stephen remembers the area being like a farmers market with stalls and a central open-air area with lots of picnic tables, possibly called Virginia Country Market. (Maybe it was our version of the Los Angeles Farmer’s Market at 3rd and Fairfax in Los Angeles?) The train was likely associated with the market. But he mostly remembers the burgers he used to get with Arthur, the Rancho caretaker at the market in the 1948-50 era. By then, the train was gone, replaced by a newsstand where Stephen would get his latest Walt Disney Comics. Fortunately for us Stephen saves stuff- not only does he have these great photos, he still has his comic books!
So who out there remembers the miniature train and the market? Share your stories. The location is destined to become the home of our relocated Trader Joe’s. They hang old photos of Long Beach and these photos should be on their new walls! Or they could add a train for the kids…….
Thanks for sharing. I moved into Los Cerritos in 2010 after marrying my wife who already lived here. I love the neighborhood and enjoy reading about it’s history. I heard about your site on Nextdoor and I’m glad I did.